The Location

Melaka, Malaysia

The Location

Strategically nestled in Melaka, a UNESCO World Heritage City since 2008, The Sail boasts an enviable location bridging Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, overlooking the vibrant Straits of Melaka — one of Asia’s foremost shipment and trade routes.

Fuelled by a flourishing tourism economy, Melaka attracts approximately 18 million visitors annually, spurred by initiatives such as Visit Melaka 2024 and Visit Malaysia 2026, with tourism numbers soaring by over 25% from 2022 to 2023.

Renowned as a ‘Fashion City,’ Melaka beckons with its rich cultural tapestry, culinary delights, architectural marvels, and promising business prospects, making it a magnet for growth.

Malaysia’s stellar healthcare provision, ranking #1 globally, enhances The Sail’s allure, ensuring residents enjoy world-class medical facilities and services.

The proposed high-speed rail connecting Kuala Lumpur and Singapore will further elevate The Sail’s accessibility, with swift connections to both cities within a mere 20-30 minutes, heralding a new era of convenience and connectivity.

Melaka Cultural Village
City of Hope

The City of Hope

Embark on a journey of transformation with South East Asia’s most ambitious regeneration endeavour. The City of Hope is set to redefine Melaka as a vibrant hub for business and culture, marking a monumental leap into the future.

Spanning an expansive 166 acres and encompassing a myriad of impressive structures, this visionary project places a spotlight on fashion, wellness, arts, culture, and artificial intelligence, heralding a new era of innovation and creativity.

At the heart of this revolutionary development lies the iconic Encore Theatre, a beacon of artistic excellence boasting a 360-degree rotating auditorium. Drawing crowds from far and wide, it stands as a testament to the city’s burgeoning cultural scene.

Positioned strategically within the Central Business District and Melaka’s Waterfront Special Economic Zone, The Sail and the broader City of Hope serve as catalysts for economic growth. Backed by government initiatives to channel new enterprise into this thriving zone, the stage is set for unprecedented opportunities and prosperity.